Now to tackle Liquid to create that index listing.

Step 1: Iterate your collection pages with a for loop

  {% for item in site.connecttech2018 %}
    <li><a href="{{item.url}}">{{item.title}}</a></li>
  {% endfor %}

Save and Commit.


Anybody see the problem?

Yes, the collection iterates *all* files as items, including the index. There are a few ways to solve this problem. Today I'm going to use it as an opportunity to teach a few more Liquid tricks.

Step 3: Use more Liquid to exclude the index page from iteration

1. Assign the collection to a liquid variable

{% assign sessions = site.connecttech2018  %}
  {% for item in sessions %}
    <li><a href="{{item.url}}">{{item.title}}</a></li>
  {% endfor %}

2. Apply a where_exp filter for a specific variable

where and where_exp are jekyll specific liquid filters to match elements based on front matter variables.

{% assign sessions = site.connecttech2018 | where_exp: "item", "item.exclude != true "%}

Warning I always seem to get this syntax wrong at first… If it didn’t work check your server output for help.

3. Add exclude: true to your front matter

Extra Credit