Now to take a longer look at working with Jekyll Theme features.

Theme and Style Concepts

Layouts .html _layouts content containers, structural view
Includes .html _includes reusable fragments across layouts or pages
Styles .sass _sass source files for CSS
Assets images, video, pdf … any Jekyll happily serves any file type

Layouts work pretty much same as any CMS, they provide a frame for the content allowing for consistent styles, navigation and branding elements.

Each page, post or rendered collection item declares what layout to use in?

layout variable

layout variables get defined in?

Front Matter

Front Matter Defaults in _config.yml

Open up the _layouts directory and examine these files.


Most themes have a default layout to handle the html boilerplate. Note the following about default layout:

No Front Matter

How HTML title is generated per page.

<title>{% if page.title %}{{ page.title }}{% endif %}{{ }}{{ site.description }}</title>


      Page's Front Matter or File name

The stylesheet reference

Jekyll uses sass to generate your stylesheets.
The layout references the final output file location.

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/style.css" />

page.html and post.html

Layouts can have Layouts

With a little design you only need one boilerplate layout, and then you can use other layouts to handle content structures. Both posts and pages are wrapped by default via front matter .

layout: default

And then vary in how they mix includes, navigation with the entry contents. The important trick here is

{{ content }}

This jekyll built-in jekyll variable yeilds rendering to the next level down. for example: <– posts.html <– default.html

Content is always a file’s rendered content, with front matter variables replaced.